Tuesday 22 October 2019

Take your partner to the clinic/hospital/medical laboratory/health centre for medical check up b4 u browse without protection

Whenever you meet a man or a woman you want to date especially when you know that browsing/sex must take place Biko😁😀,take your partner to the nearest health centre/clinic/hospital/Medical laboratory for some basic medical tests before you start browsing without protection. Do not assume that every man or woman you meet is medically alright,some people are living with some medical condition which they may not want to disclose to you,what if it is a condition that can be contracted through sex/browsing of just 5minutes and then both of you say goodbye? It is imperative to know the health condition of your partner,accept it than to allow 5minutes enjoyment make you forget that some medical conditions are not written on the forehead.
To be continued.
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