Wednesday 8 July 2020

What is your credit card balance...

ASA-G BLOG:Throw Back To Your Credit Card Balances

Written by: Elusanmi Kolade.

Painstakingly look at your credit card balances. This throwback is to assess if the balances between your credit and debit are high, low, or the same as they were few years back. 
What does your “throwback” reveal about your financial picture?
If you have paid debt down, congratulate yourself because that is a really tough thing to do. But, if you owe the same or more than you did few years ago, then you need to ask yourself if you’re ready to do something about it.

Update Your Budget To Avoid Spending More Than You Earn

Amid a modest living by the trimming of expenses and using a budget outline, many people are still ignorant that they actually spend more than they earn. As life changes, so too must our spending habit; making budgeting a bit of a balancing act.
Effecting significant lifestyle changes, and decreasing your spending is never easy, however, struggling with debt year after year is even harder.
Here are the three process to act on in getting the control of your back: 
1.Create and balance your personal budget
2.Pay off debt
3.Keep your spending in line with your income

1.). Create A Household Budget: Track Expenses

Review your overall household periodically, and then discuss expenses, priorities and changes with all affected family members to help you keep on top of the fine balance between income and expenses.
It might be necessary for everyone to track their spending to see where their money is actually going. You can use an app, an Excel spending tracker spreadsheet, or plain old pencil and paper. Keep it simple and easy for everyone.
When you look at your tracking and spending details, you might quickly be able to see where your budget is out of balance. Or it might be a combination of things that are throwing your budget off track.

Decreasing expenses is one way to work towards a balanced budget. There are plenty of tips online for living frugally, trimming household spending and saving money.

On how much you should be spending, If you aren’t sure on how much to spend on household expenses, you can then try a Excel budget calculator spreadsheet. It will give you guidelines and tips as you fill in your income, expenses, savings and debt payments.

2). Pay Off Debt To Free Up Money In Your Budget

There is a need for you to consider putting up for sale assets that are either tied to debt or which can pay off debt fast. If you have car loans, determine if it makes sense to temporarily downsize your vehicle or find a less expensive vehicle to own. Sometimes, just freeing up part of a monthly car payment is enough to give your budget some breathing space.

3). Increase Income Or Reduce Expenses: How To Decide What To Do

Increasing your net income works best when everyone is consciously reducing household expenses and personal spending. A budget and reduced debt payments will help.

What To Look Out For In Ways To Increase Your Income

As you investigate increasing your hours at work or taking on a part-time or second job, be conscious that you don’t take on more than you can reasonably do. You don’t want to consider options that will be detrimental to your full time job or cause a stressful home life.
Look for ways to increase your income by doing things you like. Hire out your services or take on a part-time job that let you get paid for doing these things for others. You might be able to work a few hours a week in a craft or mini enterprise if these are hobbies you enjoy. Every little bit extra will help, so be open to creative solutions that add up!

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